API Reference

The complete public API reference for LDScriptures.


Gets scriptural standard work text by using its reference.


A normal scriptural reference. It should follow one of the following patterns: “[Book Name] [Chapter]:[Verse]” or “[Book Name] [Chapter]”

  • Book Name is the name of the scriptural book. It supports any case-insensitive letter, whitespaces and numbers. Examples: “1 John”, “Matthew”, “Alma”.

  • Chapter are the chapter or chapters. It supports any numbers. No white space allowed.

    • Range: the numbers before and after a hyphen determines a range of chapters. Examples: “1-3” (chapters 1, 2 and 3), “9-10” (chapters 9 and 10)

    • List: the comma determines a separator of chapters. Examples: “1,5,6” (1, 5 and 6), “8,37” (8 and 37).


    You can mix ranges and lists freely. Examples: “1-3,5” (1, 2, 3 and 5), “5-7,30,40-42” (5, 6, 7, 30, 40, 41 and 42)


    You can’t use more than one chapter and determine any verse, or it will raise an exception. Examples: “John 5-6:7”, “Matthew 3,5:2”

  • Verse are the verse or verses. Its specifications are the same of the Chapter’s specifications.

Example of possible references: “Alma 5:10”, “1 Nephi 3:7-8”, “2 Nephi 32:3-5,7”, “Relevation 10”, “Jacob 3-5”.

The function returns a Chapter object or a list of Chapter objects (depending of the amount of defined chapters in the reference argument.

class ldscriptures.Verse(brute_verse)

A type class inherited from type str that represents a verse.


Represents the text of the verse (excludes the verse number).


Represents the number of the verse (excludes the verse text).

class ldscriptures.Chapter

A type class inherited from type list that represets a list of verses of a chapter.
